I am non-existent without the love. Dont know what the future holds for me. I embrace it. It fills my heart and leaves no place for hate. My public identity is just because of the love that you shower.Mumbai: Sunil Grover has penned a heartfelt note on Twitter, saying he wants to surrender himself to "good work and good people" following his fall out with Kapil Sharma."I just want to surrender myself to good work, good people and acknowledge my intentions genuinely," he wrote.The duo got involved in a tussle while travelling together in a flight.Sunil, 39, thanked his fans for their immense support which has given him strength even in these hard times."
It was reported that Wholesale Handheld Shower Head Manufacturers Kapil even abused Sunil and hit him with a shoe."My thanks and gratitude for all the love."Sunil, who plays the popular characters of Dr Mashoor Gulati and Rinku Bhabhi on The Kapil Sharma Show, earlier tweeted to Kapil that "Thanks for making me realise it was your show and you have power to throw out anybody, anytime.However, in the post Sunil did not mention Kapil, 35, or their altercation directly but said, "Yes, Im feeling a little lost at the moment and nervous too.